Live Pokemon Coordinates

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Pokemon Spawns View
1Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Shiny53 View
2Ivysaur Ivysaur5 View
7Squirtle Squirtle Shiny80 View
8Wartortle Wartortle21 View
10Caterpie Caterpie Shiny137 View
11Metapod Metapod44 View
12Butterfree Butterfree7 View
13Weedle Weedle Shiny34 View
14Kakuna Kakuna2 View
15Beedrill Beedrill1 View
16Pidgey Pidgey Shiny169 View
17Pidgeotto Pidgeotto49 View
18Pidgeot Pidgeot13 View
19Rattata Rattata Shiny146 View
20Raticate Raticate43 View
21Spearow Spearow Shiny165 View
22Fearow Fearow44 View
23Ekans Ekans Shiny132 View
24Arbok Arbok19 View
25Pikachu Pikachu Shiny91 View
26Raichu Raichu12 View
27Sandshrew Sandshrew Shiny207 View
30Nidorina Nidorina19 View
31Nidoqueen Nidoqueen4 View
32Nidoran Nidoran♂ Shiny121 View
33Nidorino Nidorino37 View
34Nidoking Nidoking3 View
35Clefairy Clefairy76 View
36Clefable Clefable4 View
37Vulpix Vulpix Shiny118 View
38Ninetales Ninetales22 View
39Jigglypuff Jigglypuff158 View
40Wigglytuff Wigglytuff52 View
41Zubat Zubat Shiny164 View
42Golbat Golbat10 View
43Oddish Oddish Shiny173 View
44Gloom Gloom76 View
45Vileplume Vileplume14 View
46Paras Paras Shiny142 View
47Parasect Parasect70 View
48Venonat Venonat Shiny125 View
49Venomoth Venomoth62 View
52Meowth Meowth Shiny193 View
53Persian Persian95 View
54Psyduck Psyduck Shiny142 View
55Golduck Golduck5 View
56Mankey Mankey Shiny144 View
57Primeape Primeape90 View
58Growlithe Growlithe Shiny196 View
59Arcanine Arcanine82 View
60Poliwag Poliwag Shiny144 View
61Poliwhirl Poliwhirl8 View
62Poliwrath Poliwrath3 View
63Abra Abra125 View
64Kadabra Kadabra24 View
65Alakazam Alakazam1 View
66Machop Machop Shiny236 View
67Machoke Machoke47 View
68Machamp Machamp6 View
69Bellsprout Bellsprout Shiny28 View
70Weepinbell Weepinbell10 View
71Victreebel Victreebel3 View
72Tentacool Tentacool Shiny31 View
73Tentacruel Tentacruel2 View
74Geodude Geodude Shiny146 View
75Graveler Graveler28 View
76Golem Golem11 View
77Ponyta Ponyta Shiny104 View
78Rapidash Rapidash4 View
79Slowpoke Slowpoke Shiny156 View
80Slowbro Slowbro28 View
81Magnemite Magnemite Shiny186 View
82Magneton Magneton15 View
86Seel Seel Shiny6 View
88Grimer Grimer Shiny203 View
89Muk Muk58 View
90Shellder Shellder Shiny82 View
92Gastly Gastly Shiny191 View
93Haunter Haunter56 View
94Gengar Gengar7 View
95Onix Onix Shiny195 View
96Drowzee Drowzee Shiny2 View
98Krabby Krabby Shiny47 View
99Kingler Kingler2 View
100Voltorb Voltorb Shiny177 View
101Electrode Electrode37 View
102Exeggcute Exeggcute Shiny40 View
103Exeggutor Exeggutor11 View
106Hitmonlee Hitmonlee Shiny190 View
107Hitmonchan Hitmonchan Shiny144 View
108Lickitung Lickitung Shiny143 View
109Koffing Koffing Shiny144 View
110Weezing Weezing15 View
113Chansey Chansey Shiny155 View
114Tangela Tangela Shiny136 View
115Kangaskhan Kangaskhan Shiny37 View
116Horsea Horsea Shiny58 View
118Goldeen Goldeen Shiny168 View
119Seaking Seaking8 View
120Staryu Staryu Shiny31 View
122Mr-Mime Mr. Mime Shiny29 View
123Scyther Scyther Shiny145 View
124Jynx Jynx30 View
125Electabuzz Electabuzz23 View
126Magmar Magmar91 View
127Pinsir Pinsir Shiny19 View
128Tauros Tauros Shiny56 View
129Magikarp Magikarp Shiny130 View
131Lapras Lapras Shiny2 View
133Eevee Eevee Shiny191 View
134Vaporeon Vaporeon1 View
135Jolteon Jolteon39 View
136Flareon Flareon46 View
137Porygon Porygon Shiny32 View
143Snorlax Snorlax Shiny53 View
147Dratini Dratini Shiny8 View
148Dragonair Dragonair1 View
161Sentret Sentret Shiny102 View
162Furret Furret9 View
165Ledyba Ledyba Shiny4 View
167Spinarak Spinarak141 View
168Ariados Ariados4 View
170Chinchou Chinchou Shiny1 View
179Mareep Mareep Shiny51 View
180Flaaffy Flaaffy8 View
183Marill Marill113 View
184Azumarill Azumarill1 View
185Sudowoodo Sudowoodo112 View
190Aipom Aipom Shiny109 View
191Sunkern Sunkern Shiny115 View
193Yanma Yanma Shiny144 View
200Misdreavus Misdreavus Shiny21 View
202Wobbuffet Wobbuffet23 View
204Pineco Pineco Shiny193 View
206Dunsparce Dunsparce Shiny26 View
209Snubbull Snubbull Shiny62 View
210Granbull Granbull8 View
211Qwilfish Qwilfish Shiny59 View
215Sneasel Sneasel Shiny2 View
222Corsola Corsola30 View
227Skarmory Skarmory Shiny190 View
228Houndour Houndour Shiny23 View
229Houndoom Houndoom3 View
231Phanpy Phanpy50 View
232Donphan Donphan3 View
252Treecko Treecko Shiny100 View
254Sceptile Sceptile1 View
255Torchic Torchic Shiny110 View
256Combusken Combusken5 View
258Mudkip Mudkip Shiny93 View
259Marshtomp Marshtomp3 View
261Poochyena Poochyena Shiny32 View
262Mightyena Mightyena2 View
263Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Shiny111 View
265Wurmple Wurmple Shiny139 View
270Lotad Lotad Shiny93 View
271Lombre Lombre3 View
272Ludicolo Ludicolo1 View
273Seedot Seedot Shiny145 View
278Wingull Wingull Shiny80 View
280Ralts Ralts Shiny12 View
281Kirlia Kirlia3 View
282Gardevoir Gardevoir2 View
283Surskit Surskit1 View
285Shroomish Shroomish13 View
286Breloom Breloom2 View
287Slakoth Slakoth Shiny1 View
289Slaking Slaking1 View
290Nincada Nincada Shiny92 View
293Whismur Whismur Shiny26 View
294Loudred Loudred2 View
296Makuhita Makuhita Shiny23 View
297Hariyama Hariyama1 View
299Nosepass Nosepass138 View
300Skitty Skitty Shiny33 View
301Delcatty Delcatty6 View
304Aron Aron Shiny145 View
307Meditite Meditite Shiny49 View
308Medicham Medicham2 View
311Plusle Plusle Shiny42 View
312Minun Minun Shiny42 View
313Volbeat Volbeat Shiny88 View
314Illumise Illumise Shiny61 View
316Gulpin Gulpin136 View
318Carvanha Carvanha Shiny73 View
319Sharpedo Sharpedo2 View
322Numel Numel17 View
323Camerupt Camerupt1 View
325Spoink Spoink Shiny26 View
328Trapinch Trapinch Shiny2 View
335Zangoose Zangoose Shiny102 View
336Seviper Seviper Shiny58 View
337Lunatone Lunatone Shiny58 View
338Solrock Solrock Shiny86 View
341Corphish Corphish30 View
342Crawdaunt Crawdaunt2 View
349Feebas Feebas Shiny21 View
351Castform Castform Shiny46 View
353Shuppet Shuppet Shiny54 View
354Banette Banette6 View
355Duskull Duskull Shiny118 View
356Dusclops Dusclops Shiny3 View
366Clamperl Clamperl Shiny31 View
371Bagon Bagon Shiny3 View
374Beldum Beldum Shiny194 View
387Turtwig Turtwig Shiny25 View
390Chimchar Chimchar Shiny38 View
393Piplup Piplup Shiny34 View
396Starly Starly84 View
397Staravia Staravia9 View
398Staraptor Staraptor2 View
399Bidoof Bidoof69 View
400Bibarel Bibarel5 View
403Shinx Shinx Shiny26 View
404Luxio Luxio1 View
412Burmy Burmy Shiny9 View
422Shellos Shellos176 View
427Buneary Buneary Shiny137 View
428Lopunny Lopunny6 View
431Glameow Glameow Shiny64 View
432Purugly Purugly2 View
434Stunky Stunky28 View
435Skuntank Skuntank2 View
436Bronzor Bronzor Shiny144 View
441Chatot Chatot29 View
450Hippowdon Hippowdon2 View
456Finneon Finneon13 View
457Lumineon Lumineon2 View
504Patrat Patrat Shiny132 View
505Watchog Watchog11 View
506Lillipup Lillipup Shiny66 View
507Herdier Herdier8 View
509Purrloin Purrloin60 View
511Pansage Pansage59 View
513Pansear Pansear25 View
515Panpour Panpour76 View
519Pidove Pidove Shiny130 View
520Tranquill Tranquill15 View
522Blitzle Blitzle31 View
527Woobat Woobat Shiny63 View
531Audino Audino Shiny142 View
532Timburr Timburr Shiny13 View
535Tympole Tympole Shiny9 View
538Throh Throh Shiny56 View
539Sawk Sawk Shiny97 View
540Sewaddle Sewaddle98 View
541Swadloon Swadloon6 View
542Leavanny Leavanny1 View
543Venipede Venipede115 View
548Petilil Petilil60 View
549Lilligant Lilligant1 View
550Basculin Basculin139 View
568Trubbish Trubbish Shiny22 View
572Minccino Minccino Shiny11 View
585Deerling Deerling72 View
594Alomomola Alomomola Shiny40 View
595Joltik Joltik105 View
597Ferroseed Ferroseed Shiny145 View
599Klink Klink Shiny195 View
613Cubchoo Cubchoo Shiny1 View
615Cryogonal Cryogonal2 View
618Stunfisk Stunfisk150 View
626Bouffalant Bouffalant40 View
631Heatmor Heatmor Shiny90 View
632Durant Durant Shiny67 View
633Deino Deino Shiny9 View
659Bunnelby Bunnelby Shiny81 View
661Fletchling Fletchling Shiny120 View
662Fletchinder Fletchinder7 View
663Talonflame Talonflame1 View
714Noibat Noibat30 View
Pokemon Spawns View

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