Pokemon GO Shiny Rates

About Pokemon Shiny Rates

Wanting to know your odds of finding that shiny Pokemon you've been after? Well, we got you covered! Our list below will show you the current expected odds of getting a shiny of each specific Pokemon. The odds listed are based on our sample size, and should be taken with a grain of salt. You can click on a Pokemon's name to be taken to our Mega Nests list and see where a good spot to hunt them is. If the Pokemon does not appear on the Mega Nest list, then it does not nest and you will need to hunt them down one-by-one.

This list contains data recorded in the last 24 hours and is updated every 5 minutes. Not all shiny-possible Pokemon are shown, only those that we have enough data for at this time.

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Pokemon Shiny Odds Sample Size
Bulbasaur  Bulbasaur 2662,661
Charmander  Charmander 4791,438
Squirtle  Squirtle 5463,278
Caterpie  Caterpie 50125,066
Weedle  Weedle 4701,412
Pidgey  Pidgey 53131,893
Rattata  Rattata 62515,649
Spearow  Spearow 50338,233
Ekans  Ekans 47911,988
Pikachu  Pikachu 5833,502
Sandshrew  Sandshrew 70105,060
Nidoran  Nidoran♂ 56115,148
Clefairy  Clefairy 4642,322
Vulpix  Vulpix 44712,533
Jigglypuff  Jigglypuff 51833,700
Zubat  Zubat 3258,797
Oddish  Oddish 51841,445
Paras  Paras 60945,700
Venonat  Venonat 53823,161
Diglett  Diglett 4171,253
Meowth  Meowth 47146,169
Psyduck  Psyduck 42810,709
Mankey  Mankey 60245,217
Growlithe  Growlithe 40538,903
Poliwag  Poliwag 3426,508
Machop  Machop 47936,928
Bellsprout  Bellsprout 7375,896
Tentacool  Tentacool 4261,279
Geodude  Geodude 54020,522
Ponyta  Ponyta 3743,369
Slowpoke  Slowpoke 4788,620
Slowbro  Slowbro 118592
Magnemite  Magnemite 540133,557
Grimer  Grimer 56634,563
Shellder  Shellder 2992,398
Gastly  Gastly 53826,373
Gengar  Gengar 50100
Onix  Onix 6440,164
Krabby  Krabby 3621,448
Voltorb  Voltorb 75617,402
Exeggcute  Exeggcute 8104,861
Cubone  Cubone 382764
Hitmonlee  Hitmonlee 3607,216
Hitmonchan  Hitmonchan 4017,225
Lickitung  Lickitung 689,533
Koffing  Koffing 61026,266
Chansey  Chansey 686,875
Tangela  Tangela 5769,231
Kangaskhan  Kangaskhan 1272,299
Horsea  Horsea 7191,438
Goldeen  Goldeen 3819,534
Scyther  Scyther 6640,513
Jynx  Jynx 5343,206
Electabuzz  Electabuzz 485970
Magmar  Magmar 3773,021
Pinsir  Pinsir 179716
Tauros  Tauros 3744,117
Magikarp  Magikarp 4575,493
Lapras  Lapras 21107
Eevee  Eevee 50841,698
Snorlax  Snorlax 5691,709
Sentret  Sentret 6866,177
Mareep  Mareep 6251,875
Marill  Marill 6515,209
Sudowoodo  Sudowoodo 5105,617
Aipom  Aipom 8424,214
Sunkern  Sunkern 5094,589
Yanma  Yanma 5136,156
Misdreavus  Misdreavus 325651
Pineco  Pineco 64173,692
Dunsparce  Dunsparce 7112,135
Snubbull  Snubbull 3731,867
Qwilfish  Qwilfish 3241,944
Sneasel  Sneasel 4795
Skarmory  Skarmory 6253,825
Treecko  Treecko 1,5373,075
Torchic  Torchic 5943,564
Mudkip  Mudkip 4072,443
Poochyena  Poochyena 4942,472
Zigzagoon  Zigzagoon 1,4834,450
Wurmple  Wurmple 4364,360
Lotad  Lotad 5264,213
Seedot  Seedot 4668,855
Wingull  Wingull 1,1132,226
Ralts  Ralts 229689
Nincada  Nincada 513,448
Whismur  Whismur 3841,537
Makuhita  Makuhita 333666
Aron  Aron 530177,192
Meditite  Meditite 3311,657
Plusle  Plusle 2491,249
Volbeat  Volbeat 4695,159
Illumise  Illumise 3694,066
Carvanha  Carvanha 3663,296
Spoink  Spoink 4581,375
Zangoose  Zangoose 4775,251
Seviper  Seviper 8124,061
Lunatone  Lunatone 6005,405
Solrock  Solrock 5586,701
Shuppet  Shuppet 5471,641
Banette  Banette 4489
Duskull  Duskull 4605,060
Clamperl  Clamperl 361,015
Beldum  Beldum 535123,626
Turtwig  Turtwig 4821,931
Chimchar  Chimchar 1,1582,317
Piplup  Piplup 3132,510
Shinx  Shinx 601,023
Buneary  Buneary 4625,549
Glameow  Glameow 6302,520
Bronzor  Bronzor 63122,401
Patrat  Patrat 3096,190
Lillipup  Lillipup 3812,290
Pidove  Pidove 6677,339
Roggenrola  Roggenrola 4452,228
Woobat  Woobat 8122,436
Audino  Audino 7135,705
Timburr  Timburr 43388
Throh  Throh 5115,110
Sawk  Sawk 5036,543
Alomomola  Alomomola 55615
Ferroseed  Ferroseed 537179,068
Klink  Klink 6653,353
Heatmor  Heatmor 4536,800
Durant  Durant 8735,240
Bunnelby  Bunnelby 3273,606
Fletchling  Fletchling 3805,704
Pokemon Shiny Odds Sample Size

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